predix ge

Need help finding a solution for support, or looking for support? Follow me: on Twitter @danwoodsearly on LinkedIn @ on myBlog @…. Accesses the filtered Cases Inbox by outcome in another tab. The KPI Summary widget displays the latest time series value, trend indicator, and raw data (line). Once selected, you can configure the optional indicators and KPIs that display.

Primary Data: This option allows you to make a few selections. At that time, the underlying implementation may change but the definition of the service will stay the same, ensuring that developers do not have to rewrite applications developed using Predix. Diese sollen auf der Basis von Predix Industrie-Apps entwickeln können, mit deren Hilfe Unternehmen ihre Maschinen und Fabriken effizienter betreiben könnten, beschreibt Harel Kodesh, Vice President und General Manager für Predix im Softwarebereich von GE, seine Pläne. The selected time span is displayed at the bottom of the widget. reimagined Predix as a cloud-based operating system for industrial applications.”, But, as my friend Pano Anthos, an veteran entrepreneur who now runs XRC Labs often says, “What does that mean?". Tag search box: Enter at least three characters into the Search field to find a data item. See list of Dan's clients on this page. The Summary Count widget can be configured to display the count value and total of a selected module's data item for a selected asset context. Each widget type contains its own configuration options. You can navigate to a different GE Digital APM module on a widget that has been configured to allow navigation. A visual indicator provides information on whether or not the actual tag values are exceeding the average values. This widget is to be deployed in 1/3 of the dashboard layout. Cloud Foundry provides a structure for creating a set of services that can interact with each other. Designing and delivering advanced motor, drive and control technologies that evolve today's industrial processes for a cleaner, more productive future, it serves specialized sectors such as energy, marine, industry and all related services. Opens the Cases module for the selected asset displaying all cases for that asset without filters. Select a module, or Dashboards for navigation destination.

If you are using the Spider Web Chart widget, you should migrate to the current version. Configuring communication for widgets may require you to select send only, receive only, or both, again depending upon the purpose of the widget. Each KPI widget can be uniquely configured. Select multiple tags in the All Tags list using. This field is mandatory. Each Spider Web Chart widget can be uniquely configured. You can select multiple destinations for the widget. You can configure each widget individually to automatically refresh over a selected interval. This features does not apply to Legacy Predix APM.
The KPI displays the latest value for a 30-day time span.

Accesses the configured destination module or Dashboard. This field is required. Copyright © 2016 General Electric Company. The opening line of Tolstoy’s War and Peace will seem an appropriate allusion to those of us who have put significant stock in the potential of Predix and its siblings to transform the industry and the world, only to realize they were just parts of a portfolio, no more special than any other. You need to work with whoever creates your tenants. Check at least one attribute, and then select, Check at least one attribute, then select. The selected time span is displayed at the bottom of the widget. Timespan: The timespan for this widget can be configured to any of the following values: Data: This option allows you to configure the tags that are associated with the chart on the widget. Widgets that display Time Series data use dynamic queries to retrieve information. Select the second tag, which displays the relative humidity. They are not included in the main widget library. Predix is designed to be an extensible ecosystem. Die Predix-Plattform soll als Schaltzentrale für die industrielle Cloud und eine damit verbundene App-Economy in Position gebracht werden. You may opt-out by. Select a time span option in the drop-down list box. Use grouped bar charts to compare data for analysis, alerts, cases, or dashboards. One reason it is important for Predix to define a set of services is to allow the implementation to change as technology gets better. GE’s goal is to make Predix not only the best choice for companies using its systems at the edge, but also the best cloud to create industrial applications that act as a brain for any systems at the edge. Title: Name of the widget as configured on the dashboard. The widget is permanently removed In the card. The Stuxnet virus shows the kind of damage that can be done when one of these controllers is hacked. The KPI displays the latest value for a six-month time span. "Mit dem Aufbau der neuen Cloud-Plattform treiben wir die Digitalisierung der Automatisierung entschieden voran", sagte Klaus Helmrich, Vorstandsmitglied von Siemens.
While GE’s Predix platform has been promoted on TV and covered in the New York Times and other leading publications, none of the press coverage has explained concretely what technology GE is building with Predix. Für 2014 standen GE-Angaben zufolge Softwareumsätze von rund vier Milliarden Dollar zu Buche. In this case, the up-arrow is the desired trend. Use the ambient conditions widget to display data for two tags.

Open Cases: Count of current open cases, displayed as a stacked chart and grouped by severity.

If you select the dashboard as the destination of the navigation, you can select the context and dashboard that you navigate to when you select on the navigation link. Enter characters, and then select an option from the drop-down list box.

The standard definition of GE’s Predix is that it is a platform for creating applications for the Industrial Internet of Things.

To delete a widget from a card, hover over the selected widget and select. This configuration adds navigation and an auto-refresh interval to the widget. The bars are displayed vertically, using stacked grouping.

Predix, known as Predix Platform is an industrial IoT software platform from GE Digital. A message appears, giving you two options. Predix is about building a bridge from the edge to the cloud.


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