maokai support

It helps Maokai when your W(Twisted Advance) is on cool-down and you need another option to get close to your target. Statistics include Maokai's Win Rate, Play Rate and Ban Rate. You should know what your allies are capable of to estimate the amount of power your team has. Language. Demolish has always been a great secondary rune is my opinion, but with the new tower plates this is basically free gold. Skill matchup. Nature Strikes Back! Max-Planck-Str. Your first damaging ability hit every 10s burns champions. Blitz's damage is front loaded and can easily kill you early. He is ready to aid his carry and hold enemies down with his brambles. Avoid making crucial mistakes/deaths and try not to focus on the mistakes that are being made during a game but instead the opportunities which progress the state of the game for your team. Additionally, his passive(Curse Touch) will take bonus true damage from magic damage which is great for a percentage max HP magic damage mage like you. the placed wards will help you with your map awareness. Is it ok for me to go bottom lane and support my adc? your wards that give you protection from being ganked may get bypassed. For each takedown you acquire the boots 45s Use your ping functions on the minimap, when enemies are missing for about 5 seconds, to inform allies quick and safely. These are things most Maokai players do that shouldn’t be done at a high level elo. This is another one of those you want to keep balanced. In combination with, Bramble Smash is your bread and butter. To make the most of this website, we strongly recommend turning JavaScript on! Full build, see Tips & Tricks it's useful. We are still gathering data for this stat, please check again later! You may also Sign In using your Social Media. Maokai contorts into a mass of moving roots, becoming untargetable and dashing to the target. Split Pushing – When your enemies in the lane back off due to your harass, you can push the tower and gain plates for more gold. Currently playing with summoner names Aizo, BorrowedThyme, and Twilai.

you can evade her buble with well timed W and has no real mobily to escape you. champions like Nidalee and Kindred have wall hops. Once you see the enemy jungler being in the top river, you know that. It also gives you health when your partner hits an enemy target giving a coalition that helps both of you survive in team fights. Her lack of damage will be felt on your team. Hello! If so please give them a vote or leave a comment. Her poke makes for easy kills if you catch out an enemy, and her ult blend quite nicely with yours. If you can't beat them, join them. Fight small trades wherein you remove their summoner spells. Maokai build guides - provides builds, counters, guides, masteries, runes, skill orders, combos, pro builds and statistics by top, jungle, mid, adc, support in s10, s9 - including Win Rate, Pick Rate, Ban Rate, Play Rate . When you try it out, you also help support this awesome website. Before I start talking about where you should exactly place your wards as a support or any role for that matter, I want to give some insight about certain topics that alot of players forget or are not aware of. Maokai Top, Jungle & Support S10, [10.22] S - Tier Maokai - The unkillable - In depth All Lane.


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