what you have done today interview question

What would you do if you had a personal issue with someone else on your team? You’ll need to put the pieces of the puzzle together to argue what skills you gained from your degree, and how they can help you perform the role in question. 48. Sports, writing, literature, drawing, painting, making music, attending talks, carpentry, home brewing, exercise, learning languages… all these and many more are fantastic examples of activities you can talk about that demonstrate a wide variety of skills, and all take some amount of dedication, organisation and learning. Anyone can say that they are trustworthy, or good at coming back from a setback. If it’s a requirement of the job, you’ll likely be asked about how you feel about travel. How Many Tennis Balls Can You Fit Into a Limousine? How you handle a high-pressure situation.

Positive Attitude It’s now illegal for some or all employers to ask you about your salary history in several cities and states, including New York City; Louisville, North Carolina; California; and Massachusetts.

“They genuinely want to know the answer,” Dea promises. For any job, you will most likely be asked about what makes you tick, and what you aspire to.

Interview Question Without Bashing Anyone, 4 Ways to Answer the Interview Question “When Can You Start?”, The Best Responses to “Are You Willing to Relocate?” Depending on Your Situation, 9 Steps to Solving an Impossible Brain Teaser in a Tech Interview (Without Breaking a Sweat), 4 Steps for Answering Off-the-Wall Interview Questions, 4 Tips for Responding to "Sell Me This Pen" in an Interview, How to Answer “Is There Anything Else You’d Like Us to Know?”, 51 Great Questions to Ask in an Interview, 13 Questions Hiring Managers Love to Ask in Phone Interviews (and How to Answer Like a Pro), 8 Questions You’ll Be Asked in an Internship Interview (Plus, How to Answer Them! Job interview coming up? These questions also become more important if you’re applying for a role that’s a significant departure from your degree. Whichever route you choose, make sure to be specific. That means they might ask you logistical questions to ensure that timing and other factors are aligned, and they might have you imagine what you’d do after starting. Interviewers will sometimes ask about your hobbies or interests outside of work in order to get to know you a little better—to find out what you’re passionate about and devote time to during your off-hours. The easiest way to handle this question with poise is to focus on an opportunity the role you’re interviewing for offers that your current job doesn’t. By acknowledging that you are not perfect you are showing humility, which is in itself a strong quality to possess. You can also try to deflect or delay giving a number, especially if you get this question very early in the process, by saying something like, “I was hoping to get a sense of what range/band you had in mind for this role” or, as Liou suggests, “Before discussing any salary, I’d really like to learn more about what this role entails.”, Read More: Q&A: The Secret to Giving Your “Salary Requirements”, This question can really do a number on you. In general, you shouldn’t talk about money as a prime motivator for you. Then explain why and what you’ve done to address it in the past, doing your best to stay calm and composed. What do you want to know about the position? For each of these questions, try to come up with two examples you can use. And if you can’t figure out why you’d want to work at the company you’re interviewing with by the time you’re well into the hiring process? 15: Do you have any questions? We can’t read minds, unfortunately, but we’ll give you the next best thing: a list of more than 40 of the most commonly asked interview questions, along with advice for answering them all.

Job Search For instance, if you’re an English graduate applying for an accounting position, then you’ve got some explaining to do. Maybe you were taking care of children or aging parents, dealing with health issues, or traveling the world. Read More: The Right Way to Answer “What Should I Know That’s Not on Your Resume?”. Read More: How to Answer “What’s Your Management Style?”. 32.

Likewise, it pays to have a wider knowledge of both the employer and the industry they operate in. Give them a reason to pick you over other similar candidates. For example, if you found out about the gig through a friend or professional contact, name drop that person, then share why you were so excited about it. 24. What do you think of our competitors? If you approach your application with a positive outlook you have a better chance of securing the role. But it’ll be easier to navigate if you know why an interviewer is asking it. If you lost your job due to layoffs, you can simply say, “The company [reorganized/merged/was acquired] and unfortunately my [position/department] was eliminated.” But what if you were fired for performance reasons?

What your interviewer is really trying to do with this question—beyond identifying any major red flags—is to gauge your self-awareness and honesty. You could say that you enjoy challenges and love the feeling of satisfaction you get from producing great work, even though it may have been difficult and there may have been intense pressure. Of course, you need to put food on the table and want to be properly rewarded for your work, but you don’t want to give the impression that it takes precedence over everything, like being interested in the work itself. If your expectations aren’t aligned with the employer’s, then both sides are in for some problems.

For instance, if the average salary is around £25,000, then if asked about it say that you’re looking for a salary that’s around £24,000 to £26,000.

Instead give a pitch—one that’s concise and compelling and that shows exactly why you’re the right fit for the job. The Muse is the go-to destination for the next-gen workforce to research companies and careers—offering. Bonus points if you can “take it one step further and connect how your passion would make you an excellent candidate for the role you are applying for,” says Muse career coach Al Dea. If you talk about other companies who are interviewing you, be diplomatic. This is a similar question, but one that is slightly more to-the-point. These are questions that are very, very difficult to answer on the spot without preparation, so you’ll be caught out quickly if you try to wing it. The team? To excel in any interview, you must turn perceived weakness into strengths.

Why did you choose your degree subject? Read More: 4 Steps for Answering “What Are You Looking for in a New Position?”. Pick one or two things to focus on and always articulate them with a positive framing (even if your preference comes from an experience where your manager behaved in the opposite way, phrase it as what you would want a manager to do). It’s almost certain that you’ll be asked some variant of at least one of these questions: 1. ), Applying for a Retail Job? Come up with as many concrete examples for these as you can, and be ready to talk about them. Interview Question Without Bashing Anyone. Employers are keen to find evidence of leadership skills in job candidates, particularly for managerial positions such as management-focused graduate schemes.


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