cymbeline synopsis

Cymbeline knights Belarius and his sons. That night, the god Jupiter promises the spirits of Posthumus's dead ancestors that he will care for their descendant. Cymbeline dismisses the marriage and banishes Posthumus sinc…

Discuss this play in our forums. She calls hereself Fidele.

The Queen’s son Cloten, a laughing-stock among the lords, is also in love with Innogen. Rack up 500 points and you'll score a $5 reward for more movies. Cymbeline, the Roman Empire's vassal king of Britain, once had two sons, Guiderius and Arvirargus, but they were stolen twenty years earlier as infants by an exiled traitor named Belarius. Cymbeline sends Posthumus into exile in Italy, where he encounters a smooth-tongued Italian named Iachimo.

This is given to Pisanio. According to his story, he, many years before, had escaped with the royal nursemaid.

Posthumus has come as part of the Roman forces, but decides to fight for Britain, in reparation for what he has done to Innogen.

He finds that Innogen is true to her husband.

In Wales, she meets her brothers, who were stolen twenty years before by the banished nobleman Belarius. The Romans are condemned (including Innogen, Giacomo, and Posthumus), but Caius Lucius asks for Fidele’s freedom.

Lucius commends ‘Fidele’ to Cymbeline, who grants her any request. Soon after, Giacomo comes to the British court to seduce Innogen.

Finally, Cymbeline releases his prisoners and comes to peaceful terms with Rome. The young men mourn Fidele as they place Cloten’s body beside her for burial.

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She tells him he's not even worth Posthumus's last-season clothes. Please enable Javascript, for help please visit. When Innogen, the only living heir, marries her sweetheart Posthumus in secret, an enraged Cymbeline banishes him.

King Cymbeline of Britain banishes his daughter Innogen's husband, who then makes a bet on Innogen's fidelity.

When Innogen awakes from her drugged sleep, she finds herself lying beside a headless corpse wearing her husband's clothes.

Here is a short Cymbeline summary: Cymbeline is a late Shakespeare play and he brings some of his most persistent ideas on to the stage. Posthumus, in love with Cymbeline’s daughter Innogen, is banished because he is not thought worthy to be her husband.

This synopsis relates to our 2016 production and includes some changes to the play. Posthumus orders his servant Pisanio to kill Innogen at Milford Haven, but instead Pisanio advises her to disguise herself as Fidele, a page. Before his departure, Posthumus gives Imogen a bracelet, and she gives him a ring. Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Watch The Official 'What Lies Below' Trailer Starring Mena Suvari, What to Watch on FandangoNOW: ‘Train to Busan Presents: ‘Peninsula,’ ‘The Craft: Legacy’ and More, This Week in Movie News: Patrick Wilson to Direct ‘Insidious 5,’ Ben Wheatley to Direct ‘The Meg 2’ and More, R,

The Duke, her second husband, has a son, Cloten, whom Cymbeline wants Innogen to marry; but she has secretly married a commoner, Posthumus Leonatus. Cloten, however, soon appears on the scene; disguised in Posthumus's clothes, he is on the hunt for Imogen and Posthumus (who he believes to be in Milford Haven). He also takes note of a mole not easily seen.

When she recovers, the despairing Imogen (still disguised as Fidele) accepts service as a page with Lucius (who happens by as she comes to). The Queen, Innogen’s stepmother, … Posthumus believes that his wife is disloyal.

He learns that the Queen is dead and has confessed her wrong-doing. By using this site you agree that we may store and access cookies on your device. The Queen asks a doctor, Cornelius, for a poison, intending to kill Innogen, and gives it to Pisanio to take to her, telling hiim it is a rejuvenating cordial. Scene: Britain and Rome.

Synopsis Cymbeline is believed to be one of Shakespeare's final plays and is about deceit, pursuit and seduction. Cymbeline sends Posthumus into exile in Italy, where he encounters a smooth-tongued Italian named Iachimo.

Posthumus arrives in Rome, where he brags of his wife's beauty and fidelity.

He removes Posthumus' bracelet from Innogen’s wrist.

The physician, distrustful of the wicked queen, prepares instead a type of sleeping potion.

In Italy, Posthumus boasts of Innogen's faithfulness to him.

Cymbeline wants to lock Imogen up until she agrees to marry Cloten.

They welcome Imogen, who is still dressed as a boy. With Ethan Hawke, Ed Harris, Milla Jovovich, John Leguizamo. Imogen's evil stepmother creates a poison and hands it over to Imogen's servant, Pisanio, for future use. Posthumus and Iachimo are traveling with the Roman army, but Posthumus switches to the garb of a British peasant and fights valiantly for Britain.

Cymbeline, Queen of Britain when Augustus Caesar was Emperor of Rome, has a daughter, Innogen, and two sons who were stolen in infancy.

Appearance and reality in the form of deceit is strong in this play. When Polydore and Cadwal admit to killing the Prince, Cymbeline is angry. Overview Synopsis Characters Scenes Full Play Reviews Documents. Belarius and his adoptive sons come upon Imogen and, heart-broken, lay her body beside that of the slain Cloten.

1 hr 37 min. © 2020 Shakespeare Birthplace Trust Registered Charity Number 209302. Summary In Britain, two noblemen discuss recent events at King Cymbeline's court. The rogue hides in a chest carried into Imogen's room, then steals her bracelet while she sleeps. Meanwhile, the Queen, Innogen's step-mother, attempts to annul her step-daughter's marriage to Posthumus.

Arriving in Britain, Iachimo realises that she is incorruptible, but, hiding in her bedroom, obtains evidence which convinces Posthumus that he has won the wager. Cymbeline discovers that his only child left, his daughter Imogen (or Innogen), has secretly married her lover Posthumus Leonatus, a member of Cymbeline's court. From a general summary to chapter summaries to explanations of famous quotes, the SparkNotes Cymbeline Study Guide has everything you need to ace quizzes, tests, and essays.

Wearing a stolen set of Posthumus' clothes, Cloten pursues her to Wales. When Iachimo questions this, he and Posthumus propose a wager that Iachimo can't seduce Imogen. Innogen is accused of being unfaithful, runs away, and becomes a page for the Roman army as it invades Britain. There he has a strange prophetic vision. Giacomo arrives in Italy with the bracelet and intimate details about Innogen's body and bedchamber. The sons meet her, and immediately are strongly attracted to her.

When she revives, Innogen/Fidele joins the Roman army, which is invading Britain as a result of Cymbeline's failure to pay tribute to Rome.

Get your swag on with discounted movies to stream at home, exclusive movie gear, access to advanced screenings and discounts galore. He then cuts off Cloten's head and tosses it into the river. Meanwhile, the war continues, and at the court of Cymbeline, the Queen has begun to go mad from the disappearance of Cloten. Imogen, Cymbeline's daughter is in love with Posthumus, but her stepmother wants Imogen to marry Cloten, the queen's son. Iachimo hastens to Britain, where he is rebuffed several times by Imogen. Two gentlemen discuss King Cymbeline’s family, and the disappearance of his two young children 20 years before. As a final gesture, Cymbeline frees the Roman prisoners and even agrees to resume paying the tribute. He becomes furious and vows revenge, while she worries over the loss of her bracelet. Posthumus, furious at being betrayed by his wife, sends a letter to Britain ordering his servant, Pisanio, to murder Imogen.


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