blended learning examples

At AES, our goal is to provide the best teaching technology to promote blended learning. Employee feedback, current trends, and other factors could be of great help in evaluating the effectiveness of the deployed system and seeing how it can be improved. If you want to test the waters and see how effective the deployed blended learning system is in your workplace, then get ready for some experimentation. The results are astounding. While looking over possible tools, it's important to consider what they add to your class and your students’ experiences. Next, we’ll suggest 3 projects that students will love for you to incorporate your brand new blended learning strategies. Beyond that, we make learning exciting enough to become a lifelong pursuit for them. As everyone comes from a diverse background and has different strengths and weaknesses, based on their profiles, individuals rotate between online and face-to-face activities in a way that is most effective in improving their individual learning outcomes.

This way, you will be able to deploy a customized blended learning system that will prove its worth from day one. Lillian Willis teaches information technology at Princeton Community Middle School in Cincinnati, OH. Put your learners to work while having fun with these projects. The Issue: Scaling Relational, Instructor-Led Training to Reach More Military Families. All you have to do is check out one of our programs! After all, what good is the ability to customize and make alterations in the system if you cannot use it to make specific changes based on learners’ preferences for better results? We use cookies for site optimization, analytics, social media features, and marketing ads. They can break down the course for increased efficiency and have the freedom to decide what they want to emphasize in training sessions. This model implies that employees can decide which courses they want to take online and in which they prefer to have face-to-face training sessions. After all, what good is learning if it does not help in practical matters? You should take an approach that is most suitable for your organization, regardless of what other companies are doing. There are four models of blended learning that offer different approaches employers/trainers can take to develop an advanced and personalized learning environment for learners.

These tools incorporate built-in analytics that can evaluate and present a more accurate analysis of individual learning. When students are assigned online work in HealthCenter21, Stephanie makes herself available to students. Sue Lefler teaches Allied Health Technology classes at Auburn Career Center in Concord Township, OH. That will also help increase morale and motivation. Lillian also uses the real-time feedback feature of Business&ITCenter21 to show her students where they went wrong and what they can improve. The goal is not to complement or replace conventional learning styles, but rather to incorporate necessary changes to make the educational path for learners more effective and personalized. While everyone approaches blended learning a little differently, they all have similar features: What makes blended learning so important? In this way, students will have a much better response to it. With her students ranging in age from 15 to 18, Stephanie says blended learning is the best way to help as many students as possible. As such, it gives students opportunities for multiple levels of interactive learning making it much more varied and effective. The Solution: Blended Learning. But with so many options, how do you decide? Direct Instruction: 7 Important Differences, The 9 Big Advantages of Inquiry-Based Learning, 8 Exceptional Inquiry-Based Learning Activities Students Will Love, 6 Reasons Why STEM Learning Belongs in the Modern Classroom, 10 Imaginative Science Videos for Your Curious STEM Learners, 8 Ways to Start Building Ultimate STEM Learning Environments, 15 STEM YouTube Channels for Exciting STEM Learning, 10 Exciting Primary School STEM Projects Kids Will Love Exploring, The Simplest Ways to Practice Classroom Mindfulness Right Now, 4 Inspiring Stories of How Great Teachers Changed Someone's Life, 10 Reflective Questions for Teachers to Use Every Day, 7 Life Skills Learners Can Benefit From Having Beyond School, 10 Powerful Motivational Quotes for Supercharging Lifelong Learning. Some employees absorb the material quickly, while others might be struggling. Example 1.

As the old saying goes, don’t do things just for the sake of it; everything needs to be backed by a purpose. Copyright © 2020 Applied Educational Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Once she figured that out, she passed the benefits onto her students. Understanding how learning affects business is critical. We’ll discuss 8 strategies to employ with blended learning. Either way, they have a trainer to help them with their learning, which could even be an online trainer. To start using blended learning in your classroom, you need the right tools. Therefore, always keep an eye out for opportunities to improve whatever blended learning system you adopt. They can learn from trainers face-to-face, and if they need to work more on a new concept or practice, they have access to all useful material online at all times. Deep thinking, helpful insights, and inspiring stories from schools around the world. 5 Engaging Ways You Can Teach Critical Thinking, 8 Critical Learning Reflections That Promote Deeper Thinking, 7 Ways of Developing Critical Thinking Skills That Engage Learners, 7 Critical Thinking Barriers and How to Overcome Them, 5 Powerful Critical Thinking Quotes That Define What It Really Means, The Essential Guide to Essential Questions, The One Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Process Everyone Needs, How to Succeed at Solving Any Problem Using Solution Fluency, This is How Solution Fluency Mirrors Design Thinking, This is How the Solution Fluency Process Looks in Everyday Life. Students do things on their own, with their teacher, and with other students in class. Providing employees with resources to learn online in the form of short courses, before having them out those new skills to the test with practical exercises at work. With that in mind, Lillian frontloads her classes with Business&ITCenter21. Only learning face-to-face can increase dependency on trainers. It is appropriate for students from the middle school level and higher. Now, her students learn in a variety of ways. Implementing a new learning system in the workplace can be a challenge, as all staff members need to embrace the new approach to make it work. We've gathered some blended learning examples from our teachers to kickstart your creative process. Overall, blended learning bridges the gap between what is taught and what is learned. The students can be as creative as possible with this one. It should not be used to avoid the responsibility of providing effective, ongoing training, by relying, for example, entirely on online platforms to conduct staff training. She walks around the classroom answering questions that come up. If they don’t see the point of what we ask them to do, they’re less likely to do it. Most of the skills covered on Khan Academy focus on math and sciences. Tell the students to watch the video without sound or subtitles. To keep students interested, they need to be agents of their own learning. I get a lot of questions from busy teachers about using blended learning. Some students grasp concepts faster than others. If you want to be successful in improving the learning outcomes, it is critical to know which learning approach is most suitable for your employees. At times, employers make the mistake of incorporating learning modalities that are trending. If trainers misinterpret the purpose of an online platform, they might begin using the online learning platform as a place to dump loads of educational material they do not want to go over face-to-face. The key is knowing what HealthCenter21 does well for her teaching style. However, for the most part, they can obtain all learning material and engage in exercises virtually. Sign up for our newsletter. That is why you should think about bringing training and organization goals together in a way that enables employees to participate and use the training they receive through hybrid learning to achieve these goals while working in collaboration with their peers. They can also tell when they’re being challenged for a good reason. Play the video with no sound in class while the students dub in their own comical dialog. It will help your students develop critical thinking skills, logic reasoning, and better persuasive arguments.

100 Awesome Essential Questions by Subject, Inquiry-Based Learning vs. The opportunity to socialize and share ideas with others matters more than you know. Changes can lead to conflicts, causing a disturbance in the workplace. Lancaster, PA 17602 This method involves switching roles between trainers and online platforms so that employees get all instruction and training online in the form of lectures and exercises. To apply blended learning in your workplace, first, figure out why you need to change your current practices. Have each group of students find a video online. Be sure to provide training for how to use the online platform and any different tools in order to remove any potential obstacles. In blended learning, a teacher can use Khan Academy to reinforce taught skills. Therefore, from saving on travel costs to seminar rooms rental, blended learning minimizes operational costs significantly. That usually features medical terminology, anatomy and physiology, or medical math. And some of the hours that it usually takes to go over everything in a face-to-face training can now be divided between online and in-person work. This change in gears promotes engagement and prevents students from losing focus in performing the same actions over and over again. Students work at their individual paces, which means everyone learns at the best speed for them. The following article will explain these different modes or elements and provide four examples for incorporating them in a training plan. When an instructor doesn’t provide students with mobile learning tools, it’s very hard for those students to get the information they need to complete their work. Incorporating blended learning strategies into the classroom can be a difficult and frustrating experience.


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